Let me start off by stating that anyone that did not go to this conference a poor sucker, because this was a Shrektacular conference of epic proportions.
We first started off the conference at 52nd Broadway at the United Federations Teachers building where we were given some breakfast and a raffle ticket. Then we proceeded on to the main stage where we sat down close to the Youth Panel. Apart of the panels were a Harvard Graduate, a New York City Police Department Lieutenant and a Human Resources manager at a firm.
They explained their positions and the struggles they endured to reach their position and what mistakes we should avoid if we were to reach their position one day, then there was a giveaway and 2 of our boys won iTunes Gift cards and movie tickets. The Panels continued on for 3 hours and at around 12:30 just around when everyone was starving we were given lunch that included Turkey and Tuna Wraps and a really big cookie that we ate whole heartedly.
After that we had a few more giveaways(still no dice for me) and in addition we had a friendly inter school dance-off including our reluctant teacher, Ms.Ramirez.
Now the the program was about ending and the final speaker of the day was Mr.Hampton a creative director at Johnson Inc, he gave us some ideas about Multiple Intelligence theories and how we ALL are geniuses which I have to say was very inspiring.
At the last few minutes there was a iPad giveaway which was very close to being mine, by only 4 numbers !
We received Ms. Cherlyl Wills book 'Die Free' which I shall read very soon and an MCU card that contained breath mints after that we went outside and took pictures with Ms.Ramirez and the rest of our group and we departed our separated ways.
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